CoreSight support on Neoverse N1 SDP

CoreSight Introduction

CoreSight Debug and Trace components are invariably described in a graph-like topology which describes the port connections amongst the various components. The topology includes, but is not limited to, the following major components.

  • ETM(s)

  • ETF(s)/ETB(s)

  • Dynamic/Static Funnel(s)

  • Dynamic/Static Replicator(s)

  • TPIU(s)/ETR(s)

In CoreSight terminology, a component can be roughly described as a source - that produces/generates the debug & trace data, and/or a sink - that consumes/stores the data, or a link - which routes the data. Depending on the “type” of component, it may have 1 or more input port(s), 1 or more output port(s), a single input port only, or a single output port only.

For instance -

  • ETM is a source component which only has a single output port.

  • TPIU/ETR is a sink component which only has a single input port.

  • Funnel is a link component which can be thought of as a MUX having multiple input ports and a single output port.

  • Replicator is a link component which can be thought of as a DEMUX having a single input port and multiple output ports.

  • ETF is a link component which can act both as a source and a sink (it has a FIFO buffer to store the data) and thus has a single input and a single output port.

Refer to CoreSight_Technical_Introduction for more information about CoreSight Debug and Trace elements.

It is worth mentioning that all static components in CoreSight world are not addressable and only facilitate intermediate connections between the other non-static/Dynamic CoreSight components. They are, however, described in the DT/ACPI and get discovered by their respective kernel drivers.

CoreSight components can be described either/both in a device tree or/and in a DSDT table within ACPI - similar to other components/peripherals, to get enumerated by the Linux kernel.

Every CoreSight component has a corresponding kernel driver which takes care of its initialization. There are configuration changes required in the kernel to build the appropriate CoreSight components’ drivers.

Upon a successful probe of a CoreSight component driver, the particular component gets enumerated under /dev and appears under /sys/bus/coresight/devices/ in the booted kernel.

Enabling CoreSight on N1SDP

  • ACPI bindings:

    CoreSight topology for N1SDP has been described as a _DSD graph within DSDT table for N1SDP package - the support is enabled by default.

  • Linux Kernel:

    The default configuration for the kernel is set to build with the CoreSight drivers. The build flag to enable CoreSight kernel configuration option to build CoreSight kernel drivers is LINUX_CORESIGHT_BUILD_ENABLED which is set to 1 by default.

Verifying CoreSight support

Assuming the kernel has been built with the CoreSight configuration, the booted kernel should have CoreSight components enumerated under sysfs within /sys/bus/coresight/devices/. The components should also be seen listed under /dev.

Running perf with CoreSight

CoreSight framework has been integrated with the standard perf core in the kernel to assist with trace capturing and decoding. To exercise this, perf needs to be built with openCSD (Open CoreSight Decoding) library support.

Execute the following script to build the perf executable with open CSD library


This will generate the perf executable in the output/n1sdp/build_artifact/ directory which can then be transferred to the kernel running on the N1SDP board.

Here’s an example showcasing trace capture and decode of a simple application:

  1. Build the demo application code:

    aarch64-linux-gnu-gcc -static -o test.out main.c

#include <stdio.h>

int main()

        return 0;
  1. Disassemble the binary:

    aarch64-linux-gnu-objdump -D test.out

0000000000400580 <main>:
400580:        a9bf7bfd         stp        x29, x30, [sp,#-16]!
400584:        910003fd         mov        x29, sp
400588:        90000000         adrp        x0, 400000 <_init-0x3b0>
40058c:        9118e000         add        x0, x0, #0x638
400590:        97ffffa4         bl        400420 <puts@plt>
400594:        52800000         mov        w0, #0x0
400598:        a8c17bfd         ldp        x29, x30, [sp],#16
40059c:        d65f03c0         ret
  1. Trace the application from the start address 0x400580 to 0x4006f0

    ./perf record -e cs_etm/@tmc_etr0/u –filter ‘start 0x400580@test, stop 0x4006f0@test’ –per-thread ./test

    This step will generate in the current working directory.

  2. Decode the trace data with perf

    ./perf report –stdio –dump

    This step will dump all the captured trace data on stdio.

Refer to the man page of perf-record for more information on perf options, filters, etc.


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