
This release is now considered obsolete and has been replaced by a newer TC release. Please refer to the latest TC release documentation for more details.

User Guide


The Total Compute 2022 (TC2) software stack uses bash scripts to build a Board Support Package (BSP) and a choice of Buildroot Linux distribution or Android userspace.


These instructions assume that:
  • Your host PC is running a recent Ubuntu Linux (18.04 or 20.04)

  • You are running the provided scripts in a bash shell environment.

To get the latest repo tool from google, run the following commands:

mkdir -p ~/bin
curl https://storage.googleapis.com/git-repo-downloads/repo > ~/bin/repo
chmod a+x ~/bin/repo
export PATH=~/bin:$PATH
If syncing and building android, the minimum requirements for the host machine can be found at https://source.android.com/setup/build/requirements, These include:
  • At least 250GB of free disk space to check out the code and an extra 150 GB to build it. If you conduct multiple builds, you need additional space.

  • At least 32 GB of available RAM/swap.

  • Git configured properly using “git config” otherwise it may throw error while fetching the code.

The software requirements can be automatically installed by running requirements.sh with sudo, once the code is synced. They can also be installed by running the following steps: (Note: Python modules will be installed in a virtual environment)

To install the required packages, run:

sudo apt install -y chrpath gawk texinfo diffstat wget git unzip \
build-essential socat cpio python3 python3-pip python3-pexpect xz-utils debianutils \
iputils-ping python3-git libegl1-mesa libsdl1.2-dev xterm git-lfs openssl \
curl lib32ncurses5-dev libz-dev u-boot-tools m4 zip liblz4-tool zstd make \
dwarves ninja-build libssl-dev srecord libelf-dev bison flex libncurses5 \
uuid-dev libgnutls28-dev

For Ubuntu 18.04:

sudo apt install pylint3 python-pip python

For ubuntu 20.04:

sudo apt install pylint python

Syncing and building the source code

There are two distros supported in the TC2 software stack: buildroot (a minimal distro containing busybox) and Android.

Syncing code

Create a new folder that will be your workspace, which will henceforth be referred to as <tc2_workspace> in these instructions:

mkdir <tc2_workspace>
cd <tc2_workspace>
export TC2_RELEASE=refs/tags/TC2-2022.12.07

To sync BSP only without Android, run the following repo command:

repo init -u https://gitlab.arm.com/arm-reference-solutions/arm-reference-solutions-manifest -m tc2.xml -b ${TC2_RELEASE} -g bsp
repo sync -j `nproc` --fetch-submodules

To sync both the BSP and Android, run the following repo command:

repo init -u https://gitlab.arm.com/arm-reference-solutions/arm-reference-solutions-manifest -m tc2.xml -b ${TC2_RELEASE} -g android
repo sync -j `nproc` --fetch-submodules

The resulting files will have the following structure: - build-scripts/: the components build scripts - run-scripts/: scripts to run the FVP - src/: each component’s git repository

Initial Setup

NOTE: python cryptography module is needed, but might be already installed as an apt package in an older version. If this is the case, run:

sudo apt remove python3-cryptography

To patch the components and install the toolchains and build tools, navigate to the build-scripts directory, then run: For buildroot build:

export PLATFORM=tc2
export FILESYSTEM=buildroot

For an Android build:

export PLATFORM=tc2
export FILESYSTEM=android-swr

The various tools will be installed in the tools/ directory at the root of the workspace.

To build Android with AVB (Android Verified Boot) enabled, run:

export AVB=true


  • If running repo sync again is needed at some point, then the setup.sh script also needs to be run again, as repo sync can discard the patches.

  • Most builds will be done in parallel using all the available cores by default. To change this number, run export PARALLELISM=<no of cores>

Board Support Package build

To build the whole stack, simply run:

./build-all.sh build

Build files are stored in build-scripts/output/tmp_build/, final images will be placed in build-script/output/deploy/.

More about the build system

build-all.sh will build all the components, but each component has its own script, allowing it to be built, cleaned and deployed separately. All scripts support the build, clean, deploy, patch commands. build-all.sh also supports all, to clean then rebuild all the stack.

For example, to build, deploy, and clean SCP, run:

./build-scp.sh build
./build-scp.sh deploy
./build-scp.sh clean

The platform and filesystem used should be defined as described previously, but they can also be specified like so:

./build-all -p $PLATFORM -f $FILESYSTEM build

Additionally, Android Verified Boot (AVB) can be enabled with the -a option. Those options work for all the build-*.sh scripts.

Android OS build

  • tc2_swr : This supports Android display with swiftshader (software rendering).

The android images can be built with or without authentication enabled using Android Verified Boot(AVB). AVB build is done in userdebug mode and takes a longer time to boot as the images are verified.

The -a option does not influence the way the system boots rather it adds an optional sanity check on the prerequisite images.

Android based stack takes considerable time to build, so start the build and go grab a cup of coffee!


If you encounter the below build error

-- Check for working CXX compiler: /usr/bin/aarch64-linux-gnu-gcc - broken
-- Configuring incomplete, errors occurred!

remove the installed cross compiler

sudo apt-get remove gcc-aarch64-linux-gnu

Provided components

Firmware Components

Trusted Firmware-A

Based on Trusted Firmware-A




  • <tc2_workspace>/build-scripts/output/deploy/tc2/bl1-tc.bin

  • <tc2_workspace>/build-scripts/output/deploy/tc2/fip-tc.bin

System Control Processor (SCP)

Based on SCP Firmware




  • <tc2_workspace>/build-scripts/output/deploy/tc2/scp_ramfw.bin

  • <tc2_workspace>/build-scripts/output/deploy/tc2/scp_romfw.bin


Based on U-Boot gitlab




  • <tc2_workspace>/build-scripts/output/deploy/tc2/u-boot.bin


Based on Hafnium




  • <tc2_workspace>/build-scripts/output/deploy/tc2/hafnium.bin


Based on OP-TEE




  • <tc2_workspace>/build-scripts/output/tmp_build/tfa_sp/tee-pager_v2.bin

S-EL0 trusted-services

Based on Trusted Services




  • <tc2_workspace>/build-scripts/output/tmp_build/tfa_sp/crypto-sp.bin

  • <tc2_workspace>/build-scripts/output/tmp_build/tfa_sp/internal-trusted-storage.bin


The component responsible for building a 5.15 version of the Android Common kernel (ACK).




  • <tc2_workspace>/build-scripts/output/deploy/tc2/Image


Based on Trusty




  • <tc2_workspace>/build-scripts/output/deploy/tc2/lk.bin


Buildroot Linux distro

The layer is based on the buildroot Linux distribution. The provided distribution is based on BusyBox and built using glibc.




  • <tc2_workspace>/build-scripts/output/deploy/tc2/tc-fitImage.bin





  • <tc2_workspace>/build-scripts/output/deploy/tc2/android.img

  • <tc2_workspace>/build-scripts/output/deploy/tc2/ramdisk_uboot.img

  • <tc2_workspace>/build-scripts/output/deploy/tc2/system.img

  • <tc2_workspace>/build-scripts/output/deploy/tc2/userdata.img

  • <tc2_workspace>/build-scripts/output/deploy/tc2/boot.img (AVB only)

  • <tc2_workspace>/build-scripts/output/deploy/tc2/vbmeta.img (AVB only)

Run scripts

Within the <tc2_workspace>/run-scripts/ are several convenience functions for testing the software stack. Usage descriptions for the various scripts are provided in the following sections.

Obtaining the TC2 FVP

The TC2 FVP is available to partners for build and run on Linux host environments. Please contact Arm to have access (support@arm.com).

Running the software on FVP

A Fixed Virtual Platform (FVP) of the TC2 platform must be available to run the included run scripts.

The run-scripts structure is as follows:

   |-- ...

Ensure that all dependencies are met by running the FVP: ./path/to/FVP_TC2. You should see the FVP launch, presenting a graphical interface showing information about the current state of the FVP.

The run_model.sh script in <tc2_workspace>/bsp/run-scripts/tc2 will launch the FVP, providing the previously built images as arguments. Run the run_model.sh script:

Incorrect script use, call script as:
<path_to_run_model.sh> [OPTIONS]
-m, --model                      path to model
-d, --distro                     distro version, values supported [buildroot, android-swr]
-a, --avb                        [OPTIONAL] avb boot, values supported [true, false], DEFAULT: false
-t, --tap-interface              [OPTIONAL] enable TAP interface
-e, --extra-model-params         [OPTIONAL] extra model parameters

Running Buildroot

./run-scripts/tc2/run_model.sh -m <model binary path> -d buildroot

Running Android

For running android with AVB disabled:
 ./run-scripts/tc2/run_model.sh -m <model binary path> -d android-swr

For running android with AVB enabled:
 ./run-scripts/tc2/run_model.sh -m <model binary path> -d android-swr -a true

When the script is run, three terminal instances will be launched. terminal_uart_ap used for TF-M firmware logs, terminal_s0 used for the SCP, TF-A, OP-TEE core logs and terminal_s1 used by TF-A early boot, Hafnium, U-boot and Linux.

Once the FVP is running, hardware Root of Trust will verify AP and SCP images, initialize various crypto services and then handover execution to the SCP. SCP will bring the AP out of reset. The AP will start booting from its ROM and then proceed to boot Trusted Firmware-A, Hafnium, Secure Partitions (OP-TEE, Trusted Services in Buildroot and Trusty in Android) then U-Boot, and then Linux and Buildroot/Android.

When booting Buildroot the model will boot Linux and present a login prompt on terminal_s1. Login using the username root. You may need to hit Enter for the prompt to appear.

The OP-TEE and Trusted Services are initialized in Buildroot distribution. The functionality of OP-TEE and core set of trusted services such as Crypto and Internal Trusted Storage can be invoked only on Builroot distribution. For OP-TEE, the TEE sanity test suite can be run using command xtest on terminal_s1. For Trusted Services, run command ts-service-test -sg ItsServiceTests -sg PsaCryptoApiTests -sg CryptoServicePackedcTests -sg CryptoServiceProtobufTests -sg CryptoServiceLimitTests -v for Service API level tests and run command ts-demo for the demonstration client application.

On Android distribution, Trusty provides a Trusted Execution Environment (TEE). The functionality of Trusty IPC can be tested using command tipc-test -t ta2ta-ipc with root privilege. (Once Android boots to prompt, do su 0 for root access)

While booting, GUI window - Fast Models - Total Compute 2 DP0 shows Android logo and on boot completion, the window will show the Android home screen.

On Android distribution, Virtualization service provides support to run Microdroid based pVM (Protected VM). For running a demo Microdroid, boot TC FVP with Android distribution. Once the Android is completely up, run below command:


Debugging on Arm Development Studio

Creating a new connection

  1. File->new->model connection

  2. Name it and next

  3. Add a new model and select CADI interface

  4. Select Launch and select a specific model

  5. Give TC2 FVP model path and Finish

  6. Close

Attach and Debug

  1. Build the target with debug enabled. build-scripts/config can be configured to enable debug.

  2. Run Buildroot/Android as described above.

  3. Select the target created as mentioned in Creating a new connection and connect to target from debug control console.

  4. After connection, use options in debug control console (highlighted in the below diagram) or keyboard shortcuts to step, run or halt.

  5. To add debug symbols, right click on target -> Debug configurations and under files tab add path to elf files.

  6. Debug options such as break points, variable watch, memory view and so on can be used.


Switch between SCP and AP

  1. Right click on target and select Debug Configurations

  2. Under Connection, select Cortex-M3 for SCP and Arm-Hayes_x/Arm-Hunter_x for AP core x and then debug


Building the Mali GPU DDK

The Mali GPU DDK is not part of this release and hence needs to be obtained separately. Also, note that the GPU is not modelled in the FVP. The version that has been tested is r40p0_01eac0. These instructions assume you have the Mali DDK in the directory $MALI_DDK with all submodules. These instructions assume you are building the DDK for Android but do not cover device profile changes. The three components of the DDK build are the linux device driver, the CSF firmware and gralloc.

Building the linux driver

The driver, mali_kbase.ko, must be build as a module. One method is to do this in-tree.

  1. cp -R $MALI_DDK/product/kernel/drivers $MALI_DDK/product/kernel/include src/linux

  2. Edit the kbuild system to include the driver as described by this patch.

diff --git a/drivers/Kconfig b/drivers/Kconfig
index e346c35f42b4..978e083d1427 100644
--- a/drivers/Kconfig
+++ b/drivers/Kconfig
@@ -238,4 +238,6 @@ source "drivers/interconnect/Kconfig"
source "drivers/counter/Kconfig"

source "drivers/most/Kconfig"
+source "drivers/base/arm/Kconfig"
+source "drivers/gpu/arm/midgard/Kconfig"
diff --git a/drivers/base/Makefile b/drivers/base/Makefile
index ef8e44a7d288..1151ad6ff861 100644
--- a/drivers/base/Makefile
+++ b/drivers/base/Makefile
@@ -33,3 +33,4 @@ ccflags-$(CONFIG_DEBUG_DRIVER) := -DDEBUG
# define_trace.h needs to know how to find our header
CFLAGS_trace.o         := -I$(src)
obj-$(CONFIG_TRACING)  += trace.o
+obj-y +=                       arm/
diff --git a/drivers/gpu/Makefile b/drivers/gpu/Makefile
index 835c88318cec..37888b7ecf31 100644
--- a/drivers/gpu/Makefile
+++ b/drivers/gpu/Makefile
@@ -6,3 +6,4 @@ obj-$(CONFIG_TEGRA_HOST1X)      += host1x/
obj-y                  += drm/ vga/
obj-$(CONFIG_IMX_IPUV3_CORE)   += ipu-v3/
obj-$(CONFIG_TRACE_GPU_MEM)            += trace/
+obj-y                  += arm/

Building the csf firmware

  1. cd $MALI_DDK

  2. export KERNEL_DIR=<tc2_workspace>/bsp/src/linux

  3. mkdir -p build_cfw

  4. export BUILDDIR=$PWD/build_cfw

  5. bldsys/bootstrap_linux.bash

  6. build_cfw/config LINUX=y CSFFW=y EGL=y GPU_TTIX=y RELEASE=y DEBUG=n SYMBOLS=n GLES=y CL=n VULKAN=y TARGET_GNU_PREFIX=<tc2_workspace>/bsp/tools/gcc-arm-11.2-2022.02-x86_64-aarch64-none-linux-gnu/bin/aarch64-none-linux-gnu- KERNEL_DIR=$KERNEL_DIR

  7. build_cfw/buildme csffw

Incorporate this in an Android build:

  1. mkdir -p <tc2_workspace>/android/vendor/arm/mali/product/firmware

  2. cp build_cfw/install/bin/mali_csffw.bin firmware_prebuilt/ttix

Building gralloc

Copy or clone the Mali DDK into the android tree at <tc2_workspace>/android/vendor/arm/mali/ This assumes a lunch target ‘tc2_hwr’ has been created.

  1. cd <tc2_workspace>/android/

  2. source build/envsetup.sh

  3. lunch tc2_hwr

  4. cd vendor/arm/mali/product

  5. ./setup_android ANDROID=y CSFFW=n EGL=y GPU_TTIX=y RELEASE=y DEBUG=n SYMBOLS=n GLES=y CL=n VULKAN=y INSTRUMENTATION_GFX=y KERNEL_DIR=$KERNEL_DIR KERNEL_COMPILER=<tc2_workspace>/bsp/tools/gcc-arm-11.2-2022.02-x86_64-aarch64-none-linux-gnu/bin/aarch64-none-linux-gnu- KERNEL_CC=$TC2_ANDROID/prebuilts/clang/host/linux-x86/clang-r416183b/bin/clang USES_REFERENCE_GRALLOC=y REFERENCE_GRALLOC_XML=y

  6. ./android/gralloc/configure

  7. mmm

  8. mm

Firmware Update

Creating Capsule

Firmware Update in the total compute platform uses the capsule update mechanism. Hence, the Firmware Image Package (FIP) binary has to be converted to a capsule. This can be done with GenerateCapsule which is present in BaseTools/BinWrappers/PosixLike of the edk2 project.

GenerateCapsule -e -o efi_capsule --fw-version 1 --lsv 0 --guid 0d5c011f-0776-5b38-8e81-36fbdf6743e2 --verbose --update-image-index 0 --verbose fip-tc.bin
“fip-tc.bin” is the input fip file that has the firmware binaries of the total compute platform
“efi_capsule” is the name of capsule to be generated
“0d5c011f-0776-5b38-8e81-36fbdf6743e2” is the image type UUID for the FIP image

Loading Capsule

The capsule generated using the above steps has to be loaded into memory during the execution of the model by providing the below FVP arguments.

--data board.dram=<location of capsule>/efi_capsule@0x2000000

This loads the capsule to be updated at address 0x82000000

Updating Firmware

During the normal boot of the platform, stop at the U-Boot prompt and execute the below commands.

TOTAL_COMPUTE# efidebug capsule update -v 0x82000000

This will update the firmware. After it is completed, reboot the platform using the FVP GUI

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